Constitution Gathering 1 Summary
Over 230 Squamish People attended the Constitution Gathering 1 at Totem Hall, Chief Joe Mathias Centre and online via Zoom. Project staff have heard incredibly positive feedback from those who participated. If there is anything you would like to share, request or recommend ahead of the next Constitution Gathering on October 2, 2024, please contact our Engagement Officer Yususult, Rosemarie (Rose) Williams, on 604-982-8600 or Rosemarie_Williams@squamish.net.
What was this meeting about?
The Squamish People who joined us at the Totem Hall and Chief Joe Mathias Centre were first welcome to share a dinner. Cedar brushing and wellness support was also available for anyone who wanted it. Once the online participants joined us, the meeting was formally opened by Welhtima Kexwusem dance group from Squamish Valley at the Totem Hall.
Once the Gathering started, Constitution Working Group members reviewed what was shared at the Project Kickoff Meeting held on April 28, 2024 and shared a summary statement from those lessons. Attendees were then invited to participate in small group discussions aimed at identifying the themes that will help the Constitution Working Group draft our Constitution.
Attendees were also welcomed to ask questions to Working Group Members throughout the session and during a Question & Answer session. At the end of the Gathering, door prizes were drawn and awarded at each location. The evening closed with some drumming and singing at Chief Joe Mathias Center.
What was shared?
Here’s what was shared by Constitution Working Group members and project staff at the Gathering:
- Who our Constitution Working Group members are
- How the Constitution will be drafted
- Why this project is happening
- When this is happening
- What a Constitution is
- What could be included in a Constitution
During the small group discussions, Squamish People had the option of either writing down their thoughts or they could use their smartphone or other devices to answer questions. A dedicated facilitator was on hand at each location and online to help attendees participate and to guide the process to answer the following questions:
- Where should we be in 100 years?
- What should we look like in 100 years?
- Given the future we’ve just been talking about, what are the things we need to have control over to achieve these?
The answers were inspiring! And it’s not too late to share your thoughts on both questions. We are still collecting information from Squamish People. Just get in touch with our Engagement Officer Yususult, Rosemarie (Rose) Williams, on 604-982-8600 or Rosemarie_Williams@squamish.net.
What was learned?
Squamish People who attended had so many incredible things to share about where they see our Nation in 100 years, and what we should look like. Below is a summary of what was shared, grouped into the themes that emerged in the conversations between attendees.
- Knowing who you are and where you come from
- Having the youth drumming and singing sets a positive tone to the meetings • I love our strength & resilience, our culture & community
- Fluency in language by all
- How we conduct ourselves in ceremony has been tradition since the time immemorial. The way of conducting ceremonial protocol has not changed in millennia. Continue upholding this teaching. There is a reason ceremony has survived for so long.
- The way in which we conduct the work is as important as the work itself; What Squamish teachings and values will guide us to this future

- I feel knowing where we come from, and roots are very important
- Every Squamish member can live on their lands
- I love coming from a large, strong family
- Everyone has a responsibility in the community
- Healthy waters so we can fish from
- Control over our lands
- Protect hunting, fishing and harvesting places
- Food sovereignty
- I love our strength, resilience, culture and community
- Have our own school, hospital, stores, longhouse, community centers, elder/youth center and recreation center
- More homes
- Community gardens on every reserve
- Little free store where you can donate household items and take items
What else did project staff hear?

- Provide copies of Amalgamation document for Squamish People to refer back to in these discussions
- Attendees want more time to discuss and answer questions during the harvesting period
- Many Squamish People want more meetings and opportunities to create the Constitution and provide feedback
- There is an interest in having family dinner meetings and meetings for members who live in Washington State, Vancouver Island, etc.
- There should be a Constitution table at larger meetings for Squamish People to visit, to understand and learn more about this work
- People also want a better understanding of what the role of the Constitution Working Group, council, the secretariat team and the facilitation team are in the creation of our Nation’s Constitution and who makes the decisions
How many people attended the Gathering?
- 62 online participants
- 50 Totem Hall
- 110 Chief Joe Mathias Centre
* some people didn’t sign-in, so attendance was likely higher
Based on the feedback received after the Project Kickoff, the head table was removed at the two locations. Members of the Working Group sat with those who attended and participated in the conversations, being able to answer any questions that came up from attendees. The Question & Answer period in the Gathering was also added in reponse to feedback received after the Project Kickoff.
The transportation schedule was shared ahead of this Gathering. The opportunity to take advantage of child-minding and door prizes was also advertised. The door prize winners are:
Chief Joe Mathias Centre
- Rennie Nahanee – $100 Save On Foods gift card
- Val Wright – $200 Visa gift card
Totem Hall
- Makenzie Billy – $100 Save On Foods gift card
- Gail Joseph – $200 Visa Gift Card
- Brandon Johnston – $100 Amazon e-gift card
- Jeremy Matson – $200 Visa gift card
What’s next?
Our next Constitution Gathering 2 will be on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, dinner at 5 pm and the meeting will start at 6 pm.
We are also planning to attend other Squamish Nation events to gather your input, answer your questions and provide information to you. We hope to see you there!
In the meantime, don’t hesitate to book a one-on-one meeting or a family dinner to learn more about this project and ask questions.